The Relation between Addiction and Mental Distress
Addiction truly a difficult concept to comprehend, even for suboxone doctors. And that is more evident by the fact that there is still not a medication that can cure addiction fully. There will be a chance for the person to relapse forever. Having said that, living a sober life without relapsing is possible but it can also is a little hard to do for some people.
And such people are those who suffer from mental instability. The relation between addiction and mental illness is not a new concept; in fact, it is one of the most important aspects that need proper observation. Subsequently, that’s the reason why all suboxone clinics near me offer counseling classes to addiction patients.
The relation between mental distress and addiction is similar to the “egg-chicken” phenomenon. It’s hard to comprehend which one came first without getting the full history of the patients. Because sometimes addiction gives off similar psychological symptoms to mental illness. And that is why dual diagnosis has so much importance in addiction treatment.
The dual diagnosis was created to comprehend the reason behind their addiction and if it’s because of any psychological reasons or not. The reality is, no matter why a person is taking suboxone treatment from rehab, there will always be a psychological relation to their addiction.
Because, even if the person was not mentally sick before taking the substance, they will surely need counseling to get over their addiction. Why?
Well, to put it simply, the compounds present in substances are the main reason behind them. The main compounds of all substance are basically psychoactive and it hits the brain directly. And specifically, the part that is responsible to make us feel good. The pleasure-giving part of the brain. And simultaneously, the substance numbs the part of the brain which makes us feel anxious, depressed, sad, upset, etc. Hence, the reason why a mentally sick person becomes addicted to a substance.
This kind of reaction is also the reason, why a person without any history of psychological illness becomes addicted to substances. If they can simply deal with distress by taking a sip of alcohol, then why would they want to give it up?
That being the case, all clinics take extensive time to treat addiction patients with suboxone treatment near me. The medicinal treatment doesn’t take that much time as therapy. Medicinal treatment like giving suboxone dosage and other medication work automatically when it comes to helping a person with substance cravings and that’s why such tasks do not need much time.
But when the patients are taking psychological therapy, things don’t work out as easily. All patients feel somewhat reluctant to go through the counseling as they will have to share their deepest issues with a stranger. Thereby, the therapist will first need to make the patient feel comfortable around them. They do that by getting to know them at first, by asking a normal question like their interests, their hobbies, etc in an attempt to make them feel more at ease.
After the patient has calmed down, then the therapist will ask them questions regarding their addiction. This way, they can learn why they started to take a substance in such an unhealthy manner. Upon learning the cause, the therapist will work with the patient to resolve that issue. They will also help the patient to come up with different strategies to handle any upcoming issues like that. Initially, the patient will learn healthy coping mechanisms.
So, the patient of suboxone doctors near me will not only come to conclusion about the mental stress they are currently dealing with but also learn how to stay feeble-minded when face with future complications. A person with a co-occurring disorder is most likely to relapse pretty quickly than those who are only dealing with addiction. And that’s why; the person may need to take suboxone therapy and recovery counseling longer than others.
This might be a little difficult to comprehend for some people, but with time they can come to this conclusion. Taking therapy will essentially help them to cope with daily life better, especially after they have arrived from the suboxone clinic. Without the help of a therapist, they can move back into their new lifestyle smoothly. Because now they have to live without addiction, they will feel especially weak. And only a therapist can help them cope with the lifestyle change. Not only that, but the therapist can also teach them social skills so that the patients can converse with others like they used to.