HPV and cervical cancer: What you need to know

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection in the U.S., and there are extra than 200 strains of it.

Forty of people are known as significant-threat HPV, which can guide to cervical most cancers in women of all ages. Lower-threat HPV usually will cause symptoms that are not existence threatening, these kinds of as genital warts.

It is really critical to know that significant-threat HPV by alone is not most cancers. Eight out of ten women of all ages will have significant-threat HPV at some point in their life, but number of of them will get cervical most cancers.

The good news is, there is a vaccine that shields individuals from some significant-threat strains of HPV.

How do you get HPV?

You can get HPV by acquiring vaginal, anal, or oral sex with another person who has the virus. Anybody who is sexually lively can get HPV, even if you have experienced sex with only just one person. HPV can be passed on even if the contaminated person has no symptoms.

Who can get HPV?

Equally guys and women of all ages can get HPV. It’s critical to know that women of all ages can be examined for HPV, but guys are not able to. Nonetheless, guys can get the HPV vaccine, which can help protect against them from having genital warts and some types of most cancers, including penile, anal, and throat most cancers. The vaccine also can help shield their partners.

The Centers for Sickness Regulate and Avoidance does not endorse program screening for guys for these cancers mainly because they’re significantly much less prevalent. Nonetheless, if you think you may possibly have HPV or most cancers, get in touch with your health and fitness care supplier.

What are the symptoms of HPV and cervical most cancers?

Genital warts can be a sign of HPV in guys and women of all ages. Nonetheless, quite a few strains of HPV, particularly people that bring about most cancers, have no apparent symptoms. These strains can be detected only by a Pap smear, which checks a woman’s cervix, the reduced element of her uterus, for any cell adjustments.

Signs or symptoms of cervical most cancers in women of all ages can surface decades following an HPV infection. They consist of:

  • Bleeding and spotting concerning menstrual periods
  • Bleeding following vaginal sex
  • Bleeding following menopause
  • Heavier than standard menstrual periods
  • Bleeding following a pelvic exam
  • Unconventional discharge from the vagina
  • Ache during sex

How are HPV and cervical most cancers dealt with?

Equally guys and women of all ages can get HPV, but guys are not able to be examined for it.

There is no cure or therapy for HPV, but there are remedies for the difficulties it can bring about, these kinds of as genital warts, most cancers-resulting in cells, and cervical most cancers.

Treatment for cervical most cancers is centered on how superior the most cancers is, but it can consist of chemotherapy, radiation, and medical procedures.

Acquiring common Pap smears and HPV screening can help your medical professional know no matter if you have HPV and, if you do, keep an eye on it. Early detection usually helps prevent cervical most cancers. Make confident to ask your health and fitness care supplier about the best screening schedule for you.

Who really should get the HPV vaccine?

The HPV vaccine is an critical resource for protecting against HPV and its difficulties, and it is particularly helpful when acquired at a young age.

The Food items and Drug Administration recommends that most youngsters get vaccinated for HPV at age 11 or twelve. The dosage schedule depends on how old the kid is when he or she is to start with vaccinated, but youngsters usually get two doses.

Vaccination is not typically advised for individuals older than 26. Nonetheless, some older people ages 27 by way of 45 who are not presently vaccinated may possibly decide to get the HPV vaccine following talking with their health and fitness care supplier.